Missions of the 41st - Brian Fisher, grandson of Andrew Fisher, 47th Squadron, did extensive research at the National Archives in College Park, MD, copying much of the 41st Bomb Group's mission reports. The reports include a trove of information on all four squadrons' combat missions, such as date/time/location of missions, crew rosters, airplane serial numbers, casualty lists, and detailed timelines of each mission.
Video of the 41st - Video from the Central Pacific, 1944. This is video uploaded to YouTube by Bob Dorough, one of our 41st 'Kids' and later colorized by Zeno's Warbird Videos. Bob's dad, Jim, served with the 48th Squadron. Bob also has a nice Facebook page for the 41st. To see it, click here. You will need a Facebook account to log in to it.
The National Museum of the Pacific War - Click on this link to do a search on "41stBombardment Group (M)" and then select to view our plaque dedicated Memorial Day, 2012.